Job Hoppers: Can They Be a Good Fit for Your Firm?

job search websites

In previous generations, it wasn’t uncommon for a person to spend their entire working life with the same company, but that’s certainly not the case today. Baby boomers often stayed with one company because it guaranteed them a pension, but with fewer companies offering an employer-sponsored pension plan and the rise of RRSPs, that’s no longer a key factor in workplace longevity.

Considerations for employers:
After a couple of years, employees have gained experience and are ready for new challenges. While a resume peppered with several jobs of less than one year should serve as a warning flag, periods of a year and a half or longer are not much of an issue. Look closely at the job changes listed – some might be with the same company and are simply promotions.

With so many employment agencies, as well as job search websites and search engines, such as LocalWork it’s easier than ever for people to find new opportunities, which contributes to today’s reality that they change jobs more often. If you’re concerned about the number of job changes on a resume, an interview is useful in flushing out the reasons.

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Business Phone Number: 877-856-2250

Recruitment Made Easy With Online Services

Every company recruits employees differently. Some use recruitment agencies, while others use a mix of traditional and digital mediums to advertise available roles.

In the digital space, job search engines and job boards are popular recruitment methods. These sites allow job seekers to specify what types of jobs they’re looking for and set geographical parameters so that they can see only the results that are relevant to them. This is beneficial to recruiters and employers, as it means most applicants will be qualified, or close to qualified, for the position. This means that the online software does some of the initial vetting by showing job postings to relevant candidates only.


Need more reasons to recruit using online job boards? Here you go:

1. Affordable

Compared to other methods, posting jobs on job search engines is incredibly affordable. It takes very few resources to put a job posting online, so it won’t take anyone away from their regular duties in order to recruit for open positions.

Rather than using headhunters and other costly hiring processes, creating an ad for a job board is cost-effective, which is good for the company’s bottom line.

2. Easy to use

Most job boards and search platforms are very user-friendly. Employers can create an account and then choose a package that works best for their needs.

Continue Reading for more details.

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Pros and Cons of Contract Jobs

Contract jobs are non-permanent roles within a company to fulfill a critical need within an organization for a specified period of time. In plain terms, it means that you are not a full, permanent staff member. You work in the hired role until the contract end date. Sometimes employers will extend contracts if needed.

Contract Jobs Toronto

Typically, companies bring in contract staff for specific, short-term projects. A great example of this is construction projects. Developers have a permanent staff, but they hire architects and construction crews to work on specific building projects. Once the building is completed, the contract ends. Another common scenario is hiring workers to cover staff who are on leave (parental leave, disability, etc.). In this case, you will work in that role until the permanent employee returns.

This works well for employers because it allows them to cover their staffing needs for a limited time. But how does this type of employment work for workers? Let’s look at the pros and cons of contract jobs in Toronto.

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44 Frid Street,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,L8N 3G3

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Business Phone Number : 877-856-2250

LocalWork: Your choice for finding work in Toronto

When you’re looking for work in Toronto – Canada’s largest city – you need the most comprehensive tool to help you sort through the postings. While there are plenty of employment agencies in Toronto, using an online service can yield more results, faster. is basically a virtual employment agency available to applicants in Toronto and across the country. It allows you to narrow down your search geographically and by employment sector, and then apply directly through the portal.

LocalWork: Your choice for finding work in Toronto

Easy to use

You can upload your resume directly, write a cover letter, and sign up for email alerts for similar positions all from the comfort of your own home. Some listings will take you directly to the employer’s website to apply.

Say you want to work in Toronto, but right now you live in London, Ontario. You don’t have to go to Toronto to job search or even contact a Toronto employment agency. allows you to search for jobs in Toronto from anywhere.

Visit source for more details.

When looking for employment agencies in Toronto, choose – where you can find hundreds of listings for open positions in your area.

Address Details :


44 Frid Street,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,L8N 3G3

Business Email :

Business Phone Number : 877-856-2250

Lessen the Financial Burden with a Full-Time Job

When you need financial stability, the best solution is to get a full-time job with a steady paycheque. Full-time work tends to have consistent hours, so you can count on earning roughly the same amount of money each pay period. Some full-time jobs pay a yearly salary and/or offer perks such as health care benefits, paid vacation and overtime pay.

If your financial situation is precarious, or you need to start saving more for your family’s future, looking for a full time job in Peterborough might be the key to success.

full time jobs in Peterborough

Full-time hours

In Canada, full-time work is defined as work that is 30 or more hours per week. Many people work closer to 40 hours per week, or more if there are overtime hours. Full-time jobs also tend to have steadier hours. Even full-time shift work tends to follow a schedule, so you know roughly how much you’ll be taking home each pay. This also means you’re probably working days, but even if you’re not, full-time hours are still fairly stable.

It’s easier to budget and plan ahead when you have a stable income. You can schedule bill payments, save for a rainy day, and get your weekly groceries and shopping done without being caught out by a smaller paycheque.

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Address Details :


44 Frid Street,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,L8N 3G3

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Business Phone Number : 877-856-2250

5 Reasons to Work at Tim Hortons

Whether you’re 16 or 61, you want to work someplace where you are valued, where you can learn, and where you can be part of a great team. Working at Tim Hortons can give you that while giving you independence and self-confidence. Whether you’re looking for your first job, a second job or a post-retirement gig, Tim Hortons jobs cater to all types of job-seekers.

Tim Hortons jobs

If you’re unsure, here are five reasons to work at Tim Hortons:

1. Lots of locations

Most communities have at least one Tim Hortons location. Some bigger cities have one on practically every corner. How is this a benefit? The more locations, the more jobs! This also means you can work where you live.

For students and seniors, jobs that you can walk to or are close to public transit stops are crucial. Tim Hortons locations tend to be on busy, high-traffic streets with lots of visibility. This means getting to and from work is safe and easy.

2. Flexibility

Are you a student looking for their first job? Are you looking for something part-time? Do you have another job and need a second job to make ends meet? Are you a morning person? A night owl? Are looking for a leadership role? Tim Hortons jobs are flexible to suit your lifestyle and needs.

Tim Hortons is quite often the first real job students have, which is amazing. Many young people struggle to find after-school and weekend jobs that still allow them the time to study and participate in extracurricular activities.

If you want to see if Tim Hortons is hiring near you, check out Tim Hortons is a featured employer, so learn more about them and apply today!

Visit website for more information.

Address Details :


44 Frid Street,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,L8N 3G3

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Business Phone Number : 877-856-2250

The Perks Of Having Full Time Permanent Jobs

While securing any type of employment is a positive thing, there are obvious benefits to obtaining full-time permanent employment. Permanent jobs are positions that serve a critical role in the ongoing operation of a business. Unlike temporary positions, which fill a role for a set period of time, permanent jobs mean you are an employee of the company for an indefinite amount of time. While permanent jobs can be both full-time and part-time, full time permanent jobs often comes with additional perks.

Full Time Permanent Jobs

While temporary or contract positions are great for gaining experience or simply making some money when you can, permanent jobs offer you security and stability. When you have bills to pay and mouths to feed, it can really help to know when and where your next paycheque is coming from.

Getting a permanent full-time job can greatly reduce your income insecurity.

Need help finding permanent employment? has job postings for all sorts of jobs. Job-seekers can narrow down the search in order to find a permanent job in their community.

Visit website for more appropriate information.

Address Details :


44 Frid Street,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,L8N 3G3

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Business Phone Number : 877-856-2250